
Do you know what your dependents would be entitled to if something happened to you?

Are your designation of beneficiary forms up to date? 

Retroactive benefits from the windfall elimination repeal to begin
How much should you have in your TSP at retirement?
What happens to my insurance when I leave the federal government?
Using The 4% Rule And Bucket Strategy For Your TSP
How Federal Employees Can Create A Retirement Income Worksheet
Is An IRA Better Than The TSP In Retirement?
Want An Extra Year Of Retirement Service Without Working Longer? Leverage That Leave!
How Federal Employees Can Maximize The FERS 3-Legged Stool Of Retirement Income
FERS Postponed Retirement
Can Children Keep Money In The TSP? How Does Thrift Savings Plan Pay Beneficiaries?
Should I Retire Now Or Wait Until 62?
Best Dates For Federal Employees To Retire In 2025
Legislation Would Boost COLAs For Some Federal Retirees
Feds With Benefits: Making Medicare decisions at 65
SSA Provides Update On Implementing Social Security Fairness Act
How Will The Social Security Fairness Act Affect Federal Employees & Retirees?
5 Huge Retirement Mistakes
How Much Should You Contribute To The TSP In 2025?
Legislation Repealing The WEP And GPO Signed Into Law
Draft a Will and Keep it Up to Date; Avoid Dying Intestate
Providing Benefits to a Spouse Married after Retirement
Federal Retirees Have the Advantage When it Comes to Longevity Risk
What happens to your TSP if you go through a divorce?
Doubling Your TSP (C Fund vs G Fund)
Maximize your retirement benefits for your loved ones: Choosing the right survivor benefits
OPM loses ground on retirement claims backlog in October
Retirement decisions that can’t be reversed
3 of Your Biggest Expenses in Retirement
Is Enrolling in Dental Insurance Worth the Cost?
Should Federal Employees Max Out The TSP Or Contribute To An IRA?
How To Reduce Your Medicare Part B Premium Surcharge
What Happens When A FERS Federal Employee Dies?
10 Common Medicare Mistakes Federal Retirees Should Avoid
2025 CSRS / FERS COLA – Social Security, Federal Retiree
TSP Required Minimum Distributions: 5 Mistakes to Avoid
Are you Ready for Your Federal Retirement Under FERS
Life Insurance & Federal Employees: 10 Common Mistakes
What If You Die While Employed? for Federal Retirement
The High-3 Average Salary for Federal Retirement
Important Extra Benefits with Some Life Insurance Policies
Never Too Soon to Begin Retirement Planning
Probate: Doing Your Survivors a Favor
Knowing the Basics of FEGLI Basic
Considerations for Choosing an Executor
Preparing For Your Federal Retirement Exit on December 31.
Impact on Social Security Finances of WEP, GPO Reforms Would Depend on the Details, Report Says
Annual Leave Cash-out Just ahead for Retiring Employees
Moving in Retirement? Don’t Forget to Pack Your Benefits
Why do employees want to be feds? Benefits are a big reason
Should Federal Retirees Enroll in Medicare?
Federal Employees: Choosing the Best Life Insurance Coverage
10 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing Life Insurance
13 things to know about long-term care planning
3 Tips To Avoid Running Out Of Money In Your TSP
What Happens to Unused Annual Leave When a Federal Employee Retires?
TSP Lifecycle Funds
2025 COLA Estimate: 2.57% – Social Security, CSRS, FERS
Suspending Social Security Monthly Benefits
Withdrawal of Social Security Claim Within First Year
How to Maximize Your TSP Contributions and Not Lose Agency Matching Contributions
Are you financially prepared for retirement?
3 Tips To Double Your TSP
What You Should Do One Year from Federal Retirement
Medicare Annual Enrollment Period: How Does It Affect Federal Retirees?
What You Should Do Five Years from Federal Retirement
Federal Employees May be Eligible for a Deferred Retirement
FERS Employees Retiring Under the MRA+10 and MRA+20 Options Can Postpone FERS Annuity Commencing Date
2025 CSRS / FERS COLA Watch – Social Security, Federal Retiree
Using the TSP to Fund a Roth IRA
TSP Required Minimum Distributions: 5 Mistakes to Avoid
Why Transferring Traditional TSP to a Roth IRA Makes Sense for Many Federal Employees
What Happens to Unused Sick Leave at Retirement?
Maximizing Annual Leave & Sick Leave
Understanding the FERS Retirement Options
What Happens to Unused Annual Leave and Sick Leave at Retirement?
FERS Retirement Calculator: How to Calculate the FERS Basic Annuity
Medicare Part B & Federal Retirees: Why Some Pay More
2025 CSRS / FERS COLA Watch – Social Security, Federal Retiree
Spousal Survivor Benefits Upon the Death of a Former Federal Employee
Why TSP Beneficiary Form Needs to Be Updated Online
How Does a Roth TSP Rollover to a Roth IRA Work?
Options for Federal Employees Who Leave Federal Service Before Eligible for Retirement
FEGLI Options in Retirement
Federal Retirement: 10 Strategies for Federal Employees Planning to Retire Before 2030
How Federal Employees Qualify For Medicare
Should Federal Retirees Enroll in Medicare?
What Happens If Excess Contributions Are Made to the TSP and Another Retirement Plan?
How Social Security’s Earnings Test Can Affect Your Retirement Benefits
Should Federal Employees and Retirees Perform Roth IRA Conversions?
Roth vs. Traditional TSP: Which One Should You Choose?
How to Fix a Missed Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)
When RMDs Can Be Combined and Taken from One Retirement Account
10 Common Medicare Mistakes Federal Retirees Should Avoid
IRA Beneficiaries Get More Time to Make Traditional IRA RMDs
Leave Government Now, Get Your Retirement Benefits Later
Decisions to Make if Considering Moving in Retirement
Should I Pay Off My Home with My TSP at Retirement?
Evaluating a Retirement Community before Moving There
The Impact on Benefits of Separation, Annulment or Divorce
Retirement Distribution Strategies: Will the TSP Hold You Back in Retirement?
The Best Ages for Federal Employees to Retire
‘Replacement Value’ vs. ‘Cash Value’ in Home Insurance
What You Risk if You Don’t Make a Will
I have $1,000,000 (or $500,000 or $750,000) for retirement, now what?
The Roth TSP Advantage
Why Every Federal Employee Needs An Estate Plan
The Biggest Reasons Federal Employees Retire At Age 57
How Good Is The TSP’s G Fund? Are You Using It Wisely?
FERS Things First: Age Reduction Penalties
The Most Important Decisions You Make At Retirement
Best States To Retire: Tax-Free Retirement, Cost-of-Living, And Quality Of Life
Should You Turn Your TSP Into An Annuity?
5 Ways A FERS Basic Annuity May Be Reduced
Changed Your Mind About Taking Social Security Early? Here Are Your Options
How To Never Run Out Of Money In Retirement
Why Retiring Federal Employees Should Think Twice About Moving To A No-Income Tax State
The Best “Best Date” For Federal Employees To Retire… Really!
Essential things to know about your Social Security benefit: Part 2
TSP Updates In-service Age 59.5 Withdrawal Rules
TSP Updates Financial Hardship Withdrawal Rules
OPM Announces Crack Down on Ineligible FEHB Enrollees
New wrinkle on the notion of postponing your federal retirement
A Fund to Prevent Emergency Withdrawals from Your TSP
Five Common Mistakes TSP Participants Should Avoid
Five ways to really louse up your Thrift Savings Plan account
2025 CSRS / FERS COLA Watch – Social Security, Federal Retiree
Recharacterization of Roth IRA Contributions
TSP Updates In-Service Withdrawal Rules – Part I
Essential things to know about your Social Security benefit: Part 1
TSP Withdrawal Options
IRA Beneficiaries Get More Time to Make Traditional IRA RMDs
Helping Your Survivors Manage Your Federal Benefits after Your Death
Ask Reg: Once I sign up for Medicare, does that supersede my FEHB plan?
Estate planning for federal employees: Maximize benefits and minimize taxes
Resigning instead of retiring
Beware Of This If You Plan To Work After Retirement!
Establish Goals For A Successful Retirement
How Much Should You Contribute To The TSP?
10 Thrift Savings Plan Mistakes Federal Employees Should Avoid
Have You Checked Your Tax Withholding This Year?
Higher TSP Catch-Up Contribution Limits in 2025 for Some Participants
House Republicans Propose Cuts to Federal Employee Pay and Benefits
‘Special Enrollment Period’ for Some Postal Retirees Now Open
OPM retirement backlog continues improvement in processed claims for March
Here’s what federal employees need to know about their dental benefits
Before asking for help, know the rules
The TSP savings rate is up, but so are the number of TSP loans
Saving for retirement
What Are The Habits Of The Unhappiest Retirees?
Should You Transfer Out Of The TSP?
Why Your TSP Employer Match Is Worth More Than You Think
Social Security Does A Better Job Explaining Your Retirement Benefits Than I Can
Tax Strategies When Taking TSP Withdrawals
Can You Retire With $500k In Your TSP Account?
Taxes On Social Security: What You Need To Know
Complete Guide To FERS
Federal Retirement: 10 Strategies for Federal Employees Planning to Retire Before 2030
10 Thrift Savings Plan Mistakes Federal Employees Should Avoid
Know the Basics of Survivor Benefit Options
Your Home Should Be Prepared for Retirement, Too
The One Word Answer for How Much You Should Have in Your TSP
TSP By the Numbers
How to avoid needing to work after retirement
Did you know this about the TSP?
TSP and Required Minimum Distributions
Federal Employees: Select Your Beneficiaries OR They Will Be Chosen For You
Picking The Optimal Retirement Date
Is It Too Late To Start The Roth TSP?
4 Ways To Optimize Your Savings And Investments In 2024
7 Most Common End Of Retirement Regrets
How Much Money is Enough for Retirement?
Changes to Social Security Would Be Difficult to Both Design and Carry Out, Report Says
Key Disciplines to Financial Success in Retirement
Scams against Older Persons Now Increasingly AI-Powered, Report Says
Weighing the Options if Separating before Retirement Eligibility
Leaving Nothing for Doubt in a Will
Bringing Your Spouse under Federal Benefits after Marriage
Positioning Your Finances for Retirement
Life Insurance and Why Do We Need It?
How much will my CSRS pension affect my Social Security benefit?
Understanding the 2024 COLA – Part I: CSRS/CSRS Offset Annuitants and Survivor Annuitants
Understanding the 2024 COLA – Part II: FERS and “Trans” FERS Annuitants and Survivor Annuitants
Deciding When to Apply for a Social Security Benefit
Contesting the Denial of an FEHB Claim
OK You’ve Retired. What’s Next?
End of the year retirement: Now what?
What Happens after You Submit Your Retirement Application
5 Things the TSP Doesn’t Let You Do
Are Things “OK” for Boomers Nearing Retirement?
Assessing Whether FEGLI Meets Your Needs after Retirement
TSP: Budgeting Starting Point in Longterm Financial Planning
If You Want to Become A TSP Millionaire, Just Ask
Answers to Tricky Tax Questions for the Thrift Savings Plan and IRAs
End-of-Year 2023 and Pre-2024 TSP Moves Federal Employees Should Consider
HRA: What Is a Health Reimbursement Account and How Does It Work?
Half of Retirees Plan on Maintaining Retirement Assets, not Spending. Really?
TSP Annuity vs. Installment Payments, What’s Right for You?
New Retirees More Likely to Face Nasty Surprise at Tax Time
Understanding a Lump-Sum Leave Payment on Separation
Considerations for Relocating in Retirement
Biggest Social Security Myths That Federal Employees Fall For
Cash Value Life Insurance for Pre-Retirement Income?
Coordination of Benefits in Health Care
FEHB and Medicare Parts A and B
A big retirement date is coming soon. What you need to do to prepare
Medicare Part B Enrollees Can Appeal 2024 IRMAA Premium Notices
TSP returns continue to fall in October
Start Early and ‘Strive for 5’ Percent in TSP Contributions
TSP and IRAs: Time to Maximize Your Retirement Contributions for the Year
Not All Debt in Retirement is Equally Risky, Says Report
TSP: SECURE 2.0 Act contribution limit changes coming in 2026
FEHB Offers Enhanced Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D Plans for Federal Retirees — Part I
FEHB Offers Enhanced Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D Plans for Federal Retirees — Part 2
What federal annuitants need to know about Medicare Part D for 2024
January Retirement COLA Set: 3.2 Percent for CSRS, 2.2 Percent for FERS
The Key Rules of Social Security Survivor Benefits
A Will Is Just One Part of an Estate Plan
Another Approach to ‘Windfall’ Reduction Offered
The Restrictions on Adding to FEGLI Coverage
Designations of Beneficiaries Deserve Attention
Save Early, Save Often to Set Yourself Up for Retirement
Saving for Retirement: Rules and Wildcards
OPM retirement claims backlog reaches new low in September 2023
Roth IRAs and Potential Estate Tax Savings
Enrollee Share of FEHB Premiums to Rise 7.7 Percent on Average for 2024
Federal Retirement Red Flags to Avoid
Planning for FEHB, Other Health Insurance in Retirement
Getting Your Official Personnel Folder in Order
The Upsides and Downsides of Joint Ownership
Retirement is easy to think about, but more difficult to pull off
OPM retirement claims backlog climbs for second straight month
Most TSP portfolios stumbled in August
A Question of Survival
FERS, MRA+10, FEHB and more
Understanding the Different Types of Term Life Insurance
2024 COLA: FERS / CSRS, Social Security | Federal Retirees
Most FLTCIP Enrollees Forced to Choose: Higher Premiums or Lower Coverage
2024 TSP Contribution Limit to Increase, Consultants Predict
Tips for Rolling Over 401(k) Retirement Plans and IRAs to the TSP
5 Considerations When Choosing an Estate Trustee
Making Sure Your TSP Beneficiary Forms Are Accurate and Complete
2024 COLA Estimate: 3% – Social Security, CSRS, FERS
Some Federal Employees Required to Make ‘Catch-Up’ Contributions Only to Roth TSP in 2024
A “Scorecard” for Retirement Investing
Maintaining Flexibility by Using a Revokable Trust
How Do Your Retirement Savings Stack Up? (Minus Pension)
Some Extra Potential Sources of Retirement Cash
‘Windfall,’ ‘Offset’ Elimination Provisions Added to Larger Social Security Bill
Retiring Now, Starting Your Annuity Later
Providing Income for a Potentially Long Retirement
Another month of mostly positive returns for TSP funds
Some of the biggest regrets of retiring federal employees
What Happens To Your Social Security If You Retire In Your 50s?
5 Things Federal Retirees Wish They Knew Before Retirement
When you need to get the most out of your benefits: part two
When you need to get the most out of your benefits: part one
How Part-Time Service Can Affect a FERS Employee’s Benefits – Part II
OPM Releases New Videos to Help Federal Employees Prepare for Retirement
Bipartisan Amendment Against TSP Investing In China Fails In Senate
Should You Rebalance Your TSP Investments?
Best States to Retire for Federal Retirees
Benefits Housekeeping 101 For Federal Employees and Retirees
Study Stresses Importance of Timing in Protecting Finances against Cognitive Decline
Weighing the Costs vs. Benefits in a Survivor Annuity Election
Having a Will is Vital to Estate Planning
TSP Participants Can Now Manage Installment Payments Online
OPM Expands Dental & Vision Benefits to More Federal Employees
How Part-Time Service Can Affect a FERS Employee’s Benefits – Part I
RMD Update…Again!
Stellar TSP Performance So Far In 2023
How Retirement Can Affect Your Credit Score
Survivor And Death Benefits For Federal Employees
Letting Your Heirs Know What’s Coming
Can You Retire With Only $400k In Your TSP Account?
When you need to get the most out of your benefits: part one
How to Leave Your Heirs an Inheritance, Not a Tax Bill
Reform Proposed for Social Security’s Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)
Understanding the Gift Tax Rules and Why They are Important – Part II
4 Things Federal Retirees Can’t Do With The TSP
2024 Will Witness More Roth Account Activity In The Thrift Savings Plan
Some FEDVIP Considerations for Retirement
There are more Social Security benefits than you might think
Understanding the Gift Tax Rules and Why They Are Important – Part I
2024 COLA: FERS / CSRS, Social Security
4 Things Federal Retirees Can’t Do With The TSP
Don’t Lose Momentum When It Comes To Saving For Retirement
Long-Term Care Insurance: Should Federal Employees Self-Insure?
Invest your TSP Like a Pro & Avoid these TSP Mistakes
Bumpy Rollout of New TSP System Leads to Lawsuit
OPM’s retirement backlog just hit its lowest level since 2017
4 things to do to get ready for your first year of retirement
Is a Reverse Mortgage a Viable Option for Paying Long-Term Care Expenses?
How To Keep FEGLI Into Retirement For FREE
OPM Retirement Backlog Drops To Six-Year Low To Finish June
CSRS and FERS Retirement Last-Minute Checks
Picking a Retirement Date Under CSRS & FERS
Thinking about Retiring? Know the Eligibility Rules for CSRS and FERS
Thinking about Retiring? Some Things to Consider
All Successful Retirement Plans Have These
Many Underrate Their Financial Risk in Retirement, Study Says
Not All Work Income Counts Toward Your High-3
Thinking about When to Begin Drawing Social Security
Most TSP funds in the black in June
Saving for retirement in your TSP with a federal annuity: How much is enough?
How the Additional Pay Period in 2023 Affects Maximizing TSP Contributions
Additional Pay Period in 2023 Could Affect ‘Use or Lose’ Annual Leave for Many Federal Employees
6 Stealth Taxes That Can Affect a Federal Employee’s Retirement
C, S And I Funds Drive TSP Performance Over 12 Months And 2023 YTD
All Successful Retirement Plans Have These
Traditional TSP vs. Roth TSP: Which One Should You Use in 2023?
If You Want a Bucket Strategy, Consider an IRA
Thrift Savings Plan: Taking the Good with the Bad
Taking Care of Your Credit Score
Getting Credit for All Your Creditable Service
Share of Workers ‘At Risk’ for Retirement Remains Elevated
Changes to RMDs: What Federal Retirees Need to Know
Dead Letter Box: A union advocate’s plea for more reliable notifications to fed retirees
How to Prepare for Financial Challenges When Retiring Overseas
How Part of Annual Leave Lump-Sum Payment Can Be Contributed to TSP of Retiring Federal Employee
Are You Saving More As You Earn More?
The Ultimate Federal Employee Retirement Checklist
OPM Retirement Application Backlog Update
Federal Retirement: What Happens to Unused Annual and Sick Leave
Calculating a Federal Annuity – FERS and CSRS
How to Report Excess Earnings for FERS Annuity Supplement Recipients
Individuals Are Due $1.5 Billion in 2019 Federal Income Tax Refunds
Keeping Your TSP Strategy Disciplined In The Face Of Adversity
Long-Term Care Insurance: Should Federal Employees Self-Insure?
Potential New Source of Social Security Funding Not a ‘Free Lunch,’ Report Cautions
A Walk Through the Retirement Application Form
Borrowing against Your Cash Value Life Insurance for Income
Dangers Of General Financial Advice
How to Report Excess Earnings for FERS Annuity Supplement Recipients
House Republicans Propose Cuts to Federal Employee Pay and Benefits
What it Takes to Be a TSP Millionaire in Today’s Dollars
Understanding Long-Term Care And Insurance: What You Need To Know
Retirement Rule #1: Income
TSP vs. IRAs: Key Differences
Top Retirement Mistakes Federal Employees Make
Inflation Taking a Toll on Retirement Confidence, Survey Finds
Retirement Deposit: Handle with Care
Thinking about a Retirement Community? Do It Well in Advance
Only You Can Ensure a Comfortable Retirement
A 4-Step Guide to Solving the Medicare-FEHB Puzzle
Guide to 529 College Savings Plans
2024 COLA Estimate: 2.7% – Social Security, CSRS, FERS
How Chasing TSP Fund Returns Will Ruin Your Wealth
Postal Service introduces RPDC Regions
Should Federal Employees Withdraw From Traditional Or Roth TSP First In Retirement?
Understanding the FEGLI Living Benefit Feature
Roth IRAs May Not Be the Best Choice for Some Federal Employees, Retirees
Latest TSP Fund Performance – Thrift Savings Plan returns – 2022
Participants Sue Thrift Savings Plan for Processing Delays
Understanding the FEGLI Living Benefit Feature
What Is The Financial Impact Of An Early Retirement From Federal Service?
Avoid These Final Four Mistakes When Planning Your Federal Retirement
OPM Retirement Backlog Drops Below 20k In May
Legislation Announced to Improve Social Security and end WEP/GPO
Is It Hard To Get Federal Disability Retirement?
Is My TSP FDIC Insured?
TSP Distributions in Retirement or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Lifecycle Fund
So Many TSP Choices
Why Every Federal Employee Needs An Estate Plan
TSP Performance Generally Lower In May But C And S Funds Up
One reason the Postal Service has a long-term pension problem
A New Retirement Resource
TSP Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
A few changes are here for TSP’s My Account, with more on the way
OPM Retirement Application Backlog Update
Who’s Your TSP Beneficiary?
High-3 vs High-5: How Your Annuity Would Differ
The (Not So Pretty) FERS Origins Story
Moving in Retirement? Make Sure Your Benefits Move with You
Critical Considerations as You Near Retirement
Exploring the Options for Incapacity Planning
A Great Retirement Gameplan Does Not Need Perfect Players
A New Era In Government? Debt Ceiling And The TSP
OPM Releases New Guide To Help Federal Employees Prepare For Retirement
Special Considerations for TSP Distributions
Bipartisan Senators Reintroduce Legislation to Keep Chinese Firms Out of Thrift Savings Plan
Using the TSP to Fund a Roth IRA
How to Calculate Your High 3 Salary for Federal Retirement
Federal Retirement Wave Starting? 10 Questions if Your Are Considering Moving On
2024 COLA Estimate: 3.1% – Social Security, CSRS, FERS
How To Make Your TSP Last
Where Do You Go To Find Information About Your Retirement?
How Changes To Medicare Part D Will Impact Federal Retirees In Plan Year 2024
Understanding TSP Rollover Rules
Thrift Savings Plan Withdrawal: TSP Life Annuity
TSP Updating ‘My Account’ Home Page in Response to Feedback
Bill to Repeal WEP, GPO Gains Support of Majority in House
Taking a Retirement Refund Can Make Sense in Limited Circumstances
Climbing the Income Ladder with Bonds
When can I enroll in Medicare Part B without penalty?
The Roth Account RMD Rules That Most People Don’t Know
OPM Retirement Backlog Slashed By 11% In April
FEHB and Medicare: Helpful Resources from OPM
FERS Spousal Survivor Benefits Upon the Death of a Annuitant
The Roth Account RMD Rules That Most People Don’t Know
TSP Withdrawal Payments Based on Life Expectancy
Latest TSP Fund Performance – Thrift Savings Plan returns – 2022
Congress Turns Renewed Attention to Retirement Application Processing
Supporting an Application for Disability Retirement
Making a Retirement Budget Well in Advance
The three-legged stool of federal retirement might have a fourth leg
TSP Returns Stayed Mostly Positive for April
TSP’s G Fund and The Debt Ceiling
Invest Your TSP Like A Pro And Avoid These Common Mistakes
What Federal Employees Must Do Right Now If Retiring Within 5 Years
CSRS Survivor Spousal Benefits Upon Death of a CSRS/CSRS Offset Annuitant
How come so few federal employees actually are TSP millionaires?
Historical Analysis of USPS Retirement Fund Returns
April TSP Performance: One Stock Fund Up 2.8%; One Fund Down 2.18%
A Case for US Savings Bonds in 2023
S fund posts negative returns in April; all other TSP funds in the black
Don’t Overlook Medicare, Survivor Benefits, And Health Savings Accounts
TSP: Sometimes Less is More
Court Upholds Change to FERS Spousal Annuity Policy in Divorces
Providing a Survivor Annuity to Someone Other than a Spouse
The Value of Having a Co-Trustee
The TSP Wouldn’t Be Affected By McCarthy’s Plan to Raise the Debt Ceiling and Cut Spending
What Feds Need to Know About Getting the Most Out of the TSP
What Feds Need to Know About Getting the Most Out of the TSP
Thrift Savings Plan Withdrawal Options – Part I
Lawmakers Request Answers to OPM Retirement Application Backlog
How To Inflation-Proof Your Federal Retirement
The Economy And Your Retirement: Q1 2023 Economic Update
‘Proof of Life’ Notices to Federal Retirees Called Confusing, Offensive
The Importance of Your Official Personnel Folder
Protecting against Incompetency through Joint Ownership of Property
Getting Credit for Your Work
Social Security Full Retirement Age: The Quirks in Waiting
Repeal of Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset: Support Gains
OPM Retirement Application Backlog Update
Is Social Security Being Reduced?
FERS, TSP and Leaving a Federal Job Before Retirement Age
Considerations for Granting Powers of Attorney
How to Use the ‘Backdoor’ Strategy to Contribute to a Roth IRA
How To Get The Biggest FERS Pension Possible
Survivor Benefit Choices for Those Who Marry after Retirement
GAO Previews Report on TSP Service Problems
Putting Your Savings to Work for Post-Retirement Income
How Disability Retirement and Workers’ Compensation Compare
Most TSP Funds Recover From February Slump
Let a Thousand Investment Flowers Bloom
OPM Reminds Federal Employees, Retirees to Use Updated Beneficiary Designation Form
Social Security Trustees Predict Reduced Benefits in 2033 Without Legislative Action
Mortgage Interest Deduction: Understanding the New Rules
OPM Retirement Backlog Drops Below 23k To End Q1 2023
How To Pay $0 In Taxes On Your Social Security
TSP Millionaire? It takes effort but you can do it
Some Face First Traditional IRA Required Minimum Distribution
Report Maps Effect of Raising ‘Full’ Social Security Retirement Age
Rehired Retirees Get New FEGLI Enrollment Opportunities
No, Your Retirement Investments Aren’t Insured
Have You Looked Into The TSP Mutual Fund Window?
Income Tax and Estate Tax Consequences of Owning a Life Insurance Policy
Federal Retirement Planning Checklist for Those Retiring in 5-10 Years
What Is Your Service Computation Date?
Understanding the Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance Program
Die With Zero: Getting The Most From Your Money Before It’s Too Late
When Should I Apply For FERS Disability Retirement?
Top 4 Ways To Ruin A Federal Retirement
Retirement Eligibility & FERS Minimum Retirement Age (MRA)
It’s not 2008, but people worry about savings and investments
Will delayed processing of my FERS retirement hurt me financially?
Choosing Between the Standard Deduction and Itemizing Deductions
What Is The Best Age For Federal Employees To Retire?
You Might Need More Than You Think In Your TSP
Retirement Savings Average Higher Than Median
4 Must-Have Parts To A Federal Employee’s Retirement Income System
The Truth About TSP Fund Fees
An update on the TSP website
OPM Retirement Backlog Slashed By Over 5% In February
How to Report Capital Gains and Losses on the 2022 Federal Income Tax Return
Many Thrift Savings Plan Forms Now Online, Some Older Forms Obsolete
To Expand Your TSP Investments, Think of the I Fund
Should I Take The TSP Annuity Option?
Can Federal Employees Contribute To Both An IRA And The TSP In 2023?
4 Myths About Taxes in Retirement
10 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing Life Insurance
FEHB Retirement: Keeping Health Benefits & Life Insurance in Retirement
TSP Life Annuity Considerations
How Your FERS, Social Security and TSP Payments Get Taxed
TSP Recordkeeper Says Things Are Getting Much Better, After a Rocky Transition
10 Ways to Get Your Financial Plan on Track in the New Year
TSP Share Prices and Dollar-Cost Averaging
TSP Portfolios Backslide in February
FEHB Retirement: Keeping Health Benefits & Life Insurance in Retirement
OPM Updates Guidance on Making Retirement Applications ‘Healthy’
FEHB and Medicare Don’t Cover Long-Term Care Costs
What Not To Do With Your TSP Account
Federal Retirement Planning: 10 Biggest Mistakes [and How to Avoid Them]
Beneficiaries of Inherited IRAs Face RMD Challenges During 2023
When to Leave to Get Paid the Most for Your Leave
How To Create Your Retirement Portfolio
8 Milestone Ages For Federal Employee Retirement Planning
Now in its 35th year, the Thrift Savings Plan offers a lot of investment lessons
Congress makes new run at striking down disparity in Social Security
More Than Half of Retirees Worried 2023 COLA Is Not Enough
How To Avoid Taxes On Your Federal Retirement
Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program
OPM faces tight timeline to create new USPS health insurance marketplace
Massive Changes To RMDs: What Federal Retirees Need To Know
How 2023 COLA Payments Work
Why Lower RMD Penalties Could be Bad News
Roth Conversions Get Support in SECURE 2.0
Lawmaker Reintroduces Equal COLA Act for Federal Retirees
2023 Inflation: Still High, But Going Down— 2024 COLA Will Not Match 2023
Important Changes To Some TSP Forms
How lawmakers are looking to change the COLA for federal retirees
TSP Withdrawal Rules And Options
How To Get FEHB To Pay For Medicare Premiums
Lawmakers Try Again to Standardize Cost of Living Raises for Federal Retirees
Don’t Overlook This Unloved Fund When Investing in the TSP
Personal Exemptions and Dependents on the 2022 Federal Income Tax Return
Federal Income Tax Filing Status and Issues for Tax Year 2022
TSP Update – New statements, higher limits
OPM Retirement Backlog Jumps 15% To Start 2023
10 More Easy Ways To Ruin A Federal Retirement
The TSP Transition is Still Giving Users Some Problems
NARFE Urges Lawmakers to Repeal Social Security’s Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO)
Waiting For That First Retirement Check
Who Can and Can’t Get Coverage Under Your Health Insurance
3 Ways You Could Lose Your Social Security Benefits
Who Must File a 2022 Federal Income Tax Return, When and How?
Federal Retirees Well Situated, but Could Still Benefit from Cost Savings Big and Small
How High Interest Rates Affect Your Retirement
Roth IRA Back Door Man
Users report continuing problems with TSP’s website
Does the FERS special retirement supplement ever increase?
Federal Retirement Planning: 10 Biggest Mistakes [and How to Avoid Them]
SECURE 2.0: Changes to TSP Ahead, Some Requiring Policy Decisions
TSP Performance Positive In January: S Fund Up 10.82%
Federal Retirees Well Situated, but Could Still Benefit from Cost Savings Big and Small
Have You Checked Your Tax Withholding This Year?
Federal Retirement: 10 Strategies for Federal Employees Planning to Retire Before 2030
TSP Tallies Up Investor Losses in 2022; Millionaire Count Drops by Two-Fifths
The TSP 2023 Withdrawal Issues
Beneficiaries of Inherited IRAs Face RMD Challenges During 2023
How To Avoid Processing Delays With Your Federal Retirement Application
2023 Starts With Strong TSP Performance: One Fund Up 8.25% So Far
TSP, IRA Tax Credit for Low to Moderate Income Workers
Debt Ceiling: Treasury to Suspend Investments to TSP G Fund, Other Retirement Programs
What 2022 returns on TSP funds say about the year ahead
Exceeding the Annual Contribution Limit to the TSP and to Another Tax-Deferred Retirement Plan
Number Of TSP Millionaires Goes Up To 76,889 At Close Of 2022
Debt Ceiling And How Your G Fund Investment Will Be Impacted
The Sweet Spots for Retirement Saving and Withdrawals
Processing delays persist heading into peak winter retirement season
TSP Announces January 2023 Transaction Processing Schedule
OPM continues progress on retirement claims backlog in December
Can I delay applying for Medicare Part B?
The 3 Critical Stages Of Retirement
Retiree Benefit Changes for 2023
No Lifetime RMDs for Roth TSP Participants: Ramifications for Current and Future Federal Retirees
New TSP RMD Rules Included in Passage of Secure Act 2.0
The markets and TSP online functionality poised to improve this year
10 Tips to Get Your Financial Plan on Track in the New Year
When Will Federal Retirees See The 2023 COLA In Their Annuity Payments?
OPM Retirement Backlog Shows How Many Federal Employees Retired In 2022
Considerations for Naming an Executor in Your Will
Some Signs That It’s Not the Right Time to Retire
Estate Planning Doesn’t Stop with Making a Will
What Federal Employees Who Retired Dec. 31 and Receiving Social Security Benefits Need to Know
Latest TSP Fund Performance – Thrift Savings Plan returns – 2022
The TSP 2022 Website and Unresolved Issues
What’s in SECURE 2.0
Be Aware of RMDs and QCDs When You Enter Your 70s
New Years Resolution: Increase Retirement Contributions
Dismal 2022 TSP Performance: One Fund Down 26% For The Year
How Part of Annual Leave Lump-Sum Payment Can Be Contributed to TSP of Retiring Federal Employee
It May Be Time To Explore Short-Term Care Insurance
How to get a special retirement supplement reinstated after employment
The maximum TSP contributions are going up next year. Should you bite?
The C Fund at 35: Trust the Long-Term Data When Investing in the TSP
What Happens to your TSP When You Die?
Hitting the Road to Retirement
Naming Minor Children As IRA Beneficiaries
4 More Mistakes That Could Derail Your Federal Retirement
TSP: Simple Design, Confusing in Detail
End-of-Year 2022 and Pre-Year 2023 TSP Moves Federal Employees Should Consider
OPM Retirement Backlog Falls To 2022 Low In November
Side Stepping Contributions Limits Under CSRS
Spousal Survivor Annuitants Also Need to Make Decisions During Federal Benefits Open Season
Federal Retirees Medicare Enrollment: What Is the Right Choice?
Open Questions About Open Season
FEHB and Medicare: Helpful Resources from OPM
OPM to Close FLTCIP to New Enrollments Starting December 19
RBD: Required Beginning Date for Distributions
New Start Dates for Medicare Part B Coverage in 2023
An Open Season Checklist for Federal Annuitants
FSAFEDS Can Help to Ease the Sting of Increasing Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenses
Why Your Agency’s Retirement Estimate Isn’t Enough
Top 3 Ways To Ruin A Federal Retirement
What Happens if You Leave Money in the TSP After Separation
How to Maximize Your TSP Contributions in 2022 and Not Lose Any Agency Matching Contributions
Factor in Pension When Comparing Retirement Savings Suggestions
The Benefits of Working After Retirement
OPM Retirement Application Backlog Update
65,494 TSP Millionaires In September—42% Drop Since 2021
Why Retiring Now Won’t Help You Cash In On The 2023 COLA
What Can Be Done During the 2022 Federal Benefits Open Season?
2023 FEHB Plan Comparison Tools, Brochures, Premium Rates
How To Reduce Taxes In Retirement
TSP Investment Limits Increasing; FSA, Transit Subsidy Rates Also Rising
For Some, Retirement Just Means a Different Kind of Work
Medicare Part D: What Federal Retirees Need to Know
Federal Retirees Medicare Enrollment: What Is the Right Choice?
Your Mindset on the TSP in a Down Market
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Maximum Contribution Limits for 2021
How Not To Lose Your FEHB In Retirement
TSP Considerations for Picking a Retirement Date
CSRS vs. FERS: Spousal Rights and the TSP
How to Reduce Medicare IRMAA and Medicare Supplemental Insurance Premiums
Should You Delay Your RMD?
OPM Retirement Application Backlog Update
How Medicare Part B Beneficiaries Can Pay Their Monthly Premiums
Medicare Part B and Appealing High Premiums
Top 5 TSP Mistakes Federal Employees Should Avoid
Medicare Part B and Appealing High Premiums
2023 COLA: FERS / CSRS, Social Security
Joint Wills May Not Be The Best Estate Planning Tool For Couples And Others
Federal judge finalizes $63M settlement for OPM data breach victims
2023 COLA: FERS / CSRS, Social Security | Federal Retirees
Many Federal Employees Overlook Valuable Health Care Savings During Open Season, OPM Says
OPM Retirement Backlog Drops Nearly 9% In September
Understanding the Three Enrollment Periods for Medicare and the Late Enrollment Penalty
TSP Funds Continue To Fall in September
On Withdrawals and Penalties: IRS rule 72(t) and why is it important
TSP: Aphorisms to Consider on Investing
IRA Rules That Benefit Individuals Who Are Married Or Getting Married During 2022
How Medicare Works and Minimizes Federal Retiree Medical Expenses – Part I
How will getting married impact my retirement?
TSP Funds Continue To Fall in September
What My Social Security Statement Pages Look Like And Why You Should Sign Up For Your Online Account
TSP Losses Accelerate: One TSP Fund Down About 30% This Year
2023 Medicare Premiums and Open Enrollment
Do you know who is your beneficiary for your TSP account?  Are you sure?
TSP Contribution Election: What’s in a Name?
Creating and Keeping a Ready Money Reserve for Retirement
Panel Advances Bill to Repeal Social Security Reductions
Is there an advantage to Medicare Part B for retirees?
Rules and Requirements for Federal Retirement
Federal Employees Should Review Their Life Insurance Needs and Choices – Part III
Bill Repealing Social Security’s WEP and GPO Advances in House
Playing Offense & Defense in Federal Retirement
How Much Income Will Your TSP Really Provide In Retirement?
Inflation and your retirement date
Your estate plan: How to secure (or tarnish) your legacy
2023 COLA Estimated to be 8.7%
Postal Retirees Deserve Better: Urge Congress to Pass H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act
Highest Expected 2023 COLA For Social Security In 40 Years
Make Sure You Know This Number Before Retiring
Should Federal Employees Retire Amidst High Inflation?
2023 COLA: FERS / CSRS, Social Security
Why it’s taking so long for your federal retirement to process
Retiring Young Can Cost You
Retire Now or Later? A Debate
Federal Employees Should Review Their Life Insurance Needs and Choices – Part II
Think About Test Driving Your Retirement
A Perfect Retirement Storm? Comparing Pay Raise, Inflation, COLAs During Periods Of High Inflation
Federal Employees Should Review Their Life Insurance Needs and Choices – Part I
Report Examines Options for Increasing Social Security Retirement Age
With FERS Pension Indexed for Inflation, Fed Retirees Faring Better
Feds Lead Private Sector in Saving for Retirement
Before And After Retirement: A To-Do List
Lump Sum employee Benefits Paid to Eligible Beneficiaries of Deceased CSRS and FERS Employees
OPM Retirement Backlog Barely Budges In August
With FERS Pension Indexed for Inflation, Fed Retirees Faring Better
Feds Lead Private Sector in Saving for Retirement
Before And After Retirement: A To-Do List
Lump Sum employee Benefits Paid to Eligible Beneficiaries of Deceased CSRS and FERS Employees
OPM Retirement Backlog Barely Budges In August
Most TSP funds lost some ground in August
Check your health plan: Trust me!
Proposed Bill Would Repeal Federal Taxes on Social Security Benefits
Your Retirement Scorecard
Turning 62 Is A Rewarding Milestone For FERS Employees
FERS Retirement Eligibility
Social Security Basics: Five Things To Remember
One Big Mistake Most Federal Employees Make
Exceptions to the 10 Percent Early Withdrawal Penalty
The TSP’s Strategic Plan
Getting Ready to Retire at the End of the Year
Transactions Permissible and Not Permissible Upon the Death of An IRA Owner
Spousal Survivor Benefits Upon the Death of a Former Federal Employee
FERS Spousal Survivor Benefits Upon the Death of an Annuitant
CSRS Survivor Spousal Benefits Upon Death of a CSRS/CSRS Offset Annuitant
2023 COLA: FERS / CSRS, Social Security
GAO Agrees To Investigate TSP Website Problems
Your FERS Annuity is Worth More Than You Think
Beware Recency Bias When Thinking About Your Retirement
July federal retirement claims up from previous month, last year
Financial Tips From a TSP Millionaire
OPM Retirement Backlog Drops Below 30k In July
Why The Federal Employee Retirement Age May Go Up
What You Need to Know About Social Security and Federal Retirement
Bill Repealing Social Security’s WEP and GPO May Come to House Floor Vote
Why the US Treasury Series I Bond Is an Attractive Investment During Periods of High Inflation
Bill to end Social Security’s ‘evil twins’ that cut benefits teed up for House floor vote
Every TSP Fund Rebounded in July
10 Strategies for Federal Employees Planning to Retire Before 2030
TSP Issues Notice on Changes to Participant Statements
TSP board shares ‘optimistic’ timeline for resolving call center issues
TSP Contributions: Neglect Retirement Savings at Your Own Peril
Why So Few are Taking Advantage of TSP Mutual Fund Window
TSP Officials Say They’re Nearing ‘Normalcy’ After a Troublesome Recordkeeper Transition
TSP Required Minimum Distributions: 5 Mistakes to Avoid
Planning On Retiring In 2022? Everything Federal Annuitants Need To Know About Medicare Advantage
Retiree health care
Who Wants To Be A TSP Millionaire?
Why Federal Employees Should Avoid Retirement ‘Rules of Thumb’
TSP returns: Who hit the down button?
Guide To Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) In Retirement
Health Exams And Preventive Visits: Critical Components Of A Retirement Plan
TSP Required Minimum Distributions: 5 Mistakes to Avoid
Planning On Retiring In 2022? Everything Federal Annuitants Need To Know About Medicare Advantage
How to Maximize Your TSP Contributions in 2022 and Not Lose Any Agency Matching Contributions
The G Fund is Now the Biggest Core TSP Fund
A Retirement Journey: Health Insurance Issues
Installments vs. Annuity: Using Your TSP for Regular Income
TSP: Congress Eyeing Yet More Changes for Retirement Savings
Beneficiary Designations Still Valid Even if Not in New System, Says TSP
New TSP fees: Who pays what, when, how much?
2023 COLA: FERS / CSRS, Social Security
Federal Retirement: What Happens to Unused Annual and Sick Leave
Things to Consider Before Moving Money Into TSP’s G Fund
A Retirement Journey, Part Two: The Transition
Latest TSP Fund Performance – Thrift Savings Plan returns – 2022
Guide to Federal Retiree COLAs: What Are They and How Are They Calculated?
Congresswoman Norton hints at House hearing on TSP challenges
Small COLA bad — big COLA, even worse?
OPM Retirement Backlog Achieves 2022 Milestone In June
Don’t Fall Into The G Fund Trap
Top Considerations For Life And Long-Term Care Insurance (FEGLI And FLTCIP)
Guide To Inheriting A Spousal TSP
Aside from G, all TSP funds drop for June
TSP Transfers To G Fund Up 249% As Stock Values Decline
TSP board increases call center staff, but still ‘nowhere near where we need to be’
Pay Raise, COLA, TSP troubles and the G-fund
A Retirement Journey, Part One: Pre-Retirement
Nine Hours on Hold: Pressure Builds on TSP to Improve Customer Service
TSP Life Expectancy Payments Drop for Some
TSP Officials Promise Service Will Improve After a Difficult Transition to the New Recordkeeping System
Lawmaker Requests Meeting with TSP to Discuss Ongoing Problems with New Online System
Stock Market Decline: Using Recognized Tax Losses to Mitigate the Sting
Thrift Savings Plan RMD Planning for 2022 and Beyond
Another TSP Transition Update
Second Thoughts on Retiring This Year
Tax Considerations for Federal Employees Who Are Separating or Divorcing in 2022
Irrevocable trusts … zzzzzz
Feds Can’t Sue Over TSP Gains Lost During Shutdowns, An Appeals Court Finds
TSP Woes Continue Two Weeks After Tech Transition
What Are the Lifecycle Funds in the Thrift Savings Plan?
Working Longer Not the Only Way to Boost Retirement Funds
The new TSP: Loving or loathing it?
For federal retirees, COLA is not a retirement panacea for inflation
‘It’s Time For Me To Go Fishing’
Bill Would Give Equal COLA to Both FERS and CSRS Federal Retirees
Divorce and Federal Employees – Part III: Court Orders and the Thrift Savings Plan
WEP and GPO: How CSRS Are Impacted | Social Security
COLA Count Now 7.3 Percent; Mileage Rate May Increase
9 Step Guide To New TSP Investing Options
Divorce & Federal Employees – FEHB and FEGLI (Health and life insurance)
TSP Launches “Known Issues” Page In Response To Website Update Problems
Federal Long-Term Care: Is It Right For You?
Protecting Your TSP Account From The “What Ifs” Of Life
Divorce and Federal Employees – Part I: Court Orders and CSRS and FERS Annuities
Divorce & Federal Employees – FEHB and FEGLI (Health and life insurance)
What the TSP Changes Mean For Feds
Latest TSP Fund Performance
SECURE Act Brings Yet Another Difference Between Roth and Traditional IRAs
What if You Come Up Short in Retirement?
Senators Urge TSP to Cancel Mutual Fund Window
TSP performance trending up, but mostly still in the red
Are Social Security’s ‘Evil Twins’ about to get spanked?
The Difference Between a COLA and a Pay Raise
Planning On Retiring In 2022? Reasons For Federal Retirees To Enroll (or Not Enroll) In Medicare Part B
The third deadly sin and your TSP
Life Insurance for Current Employees
Figuring Out How Much Life Insurance You Need
Retirement Planning Tricks for All Feds
Proposal Would Increase Social Security Earnings Limit
FERS Deferred Retirement: Advantages and Disadvantages
TSP Investment Window to Open June 1
TSP Finalizes Range of Policy Changes Largely as Planned
The TSP in troubled times: Go long!
As FEHBP carriers put final touches on 2023 plans, you can start researching today
Bear Growling? One TSP Fund Falls 4% In One Day; Down 17% In 2022
New Login Tool Required for OPM’s Retirement Services Online Starting May 26
Have You Checked Your Tax Withholding This Year?
FEGLI Option C (When You Have No Eligible Family Members)
Retirement Implications of Reaching Age 59 1/2
Revenge of the G-funders!
Federal COLA Count Hits 6 Percent
Best and Worst States for Property Tax
2023 COLA: FERS / CSRS, Social Security
FERS MRA+10 and MRA+20 Immediate Retirement: Pros & Cons
Why Aren’t More Feds Taking Advantage of the Roth TSP?
Retirement processing times inching down so far in 2022
Pension envy triggers civil service civil war
Latest TSP Fund Performance – Thrift Savings Plan returns
Thanks to a Pension, Feds Are Doing Better than Most in Retirement Preparedness
Percentage Based Contributions to the TSP Vs. Fixed Amounts
Your retirement trifecta
Rules for Keeping FEHB in Retirement
IRS Regulations on New 10-Year RMD Rule Are a Surprise
What is the FERS Supplement?
Can you afford not to have a trust?
Marriage, Divorce, And Survivor Benefits For FERS And CSRS
Retiring smart: The 7 step approach
Finding your retirement sweet spot(s)
Recently Proposed IRS Regulations on New 10-Year RMD Rule Are a Surprise – Part I
Recently Proposed IRS Regulations on New 10-Year RMD Rule Are a Surprise – Part 2
Avoid the FEGLI Trap: 4 Actions to Take Now
TSP changes
TSP tactics: Are you managing the market? Or is it playing you?
FERS Disability Retirement: A Disconnect Between The Legal And The Medical
TSP Early Withdrawal Penalty: Roth and Traditional
7 Retirement Regrets to Avoid
How the Postal Service Reform Act Could Affect Federal Retirees
2023 COLA: FERS / CSRS, Social Security | Federal Retirees
TSP tactics: Are you managing the market? Or is it playing you?
Why So Many People Retire at the End of the Leave Year
The TSP Early Withdrawal Penalty
Last Chance to Make 2021 IRA Contributions
The TSP Early Withdrawal Penalty
Last Chance to Make 2021 IRA Contributions
OPM Retirement Application Backlog Reaches New High
“I Wish I Had….”: 5 Most Common Retirement Regrets Of Federal Employees
TSP participants can save longer under Secure Act 2.0
When should you retire? Turns out, it pays to be strategic
TSP Announces Transition Dates for Rollout of New Features
TSP Changes Coming in 2022
As Roth TSP Turns 10 Years Old, Future Unclear
High Earner Not Rich Yet; Are You a HENRY?
Federal Employee Pay Raises vs. Retiree COLAs
Some Federal Employees and Retirees Face Two Important Deadlines: Medicare and RMDs 

SECURE Act Changes for Beneficiaries, RMDs
2023 COLA: FERS / CSRS, Social Security
10 TSP Rollover Errors You Should Avoid
3 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Financial Professional
Latest TSP Fund Performance
FEHB and Medicare
Time to tame Social Security’s evil twins?
4 Benefits of Working Past Age 65 Federal Employees Should Consider
Key Tax and Benefit Dates Throughout the Year
20 Percent of TSP C Fund Invested in FAANG Stocks
OPM Retirement Application Backlog Reaches New High
Tax Consequences of Selling a Principal Residence
TSP Share Prices and Dollar-Cost Averaging
Thrift Savings Plan RMD Planning for 2022 and Beyond
How Roth TSP & IRA Accounts Can be Useful for Federal Employees & Retirees
High-3 Average Salary: How Is It Calculated? What Pay is Included?
2021 TSP Annual Statements and 1099-R Forms Now Available
Thrift Savings Plan Funds Lost Ground in January
TSP Required Minimum Distribution Rules for Retired TSP Participants
It’s Not Too Late! For IRA Contributions
Retirement Income Myths
TSP Proposes Regulations Ahead of Mutual Fund Window Launch
Pre-retirement webinar
Who will determine your retirement diet?
IRA Contributions Rules for Traditional & Roth IRA
When Should a Federal Employee Apply for Social Security Benefits?
Ten Things You Need to Know About Roth IRA Conversions
TSP Millionaire Count Crosses 100,000 Mark
Best Dates to Retire: CSRS / FERS 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
Not All Financial Planners Are Created Equal
Self-made millionaires club shows growth spurt
Most TSP Funds Rebound to End 2021
Got a best age to retire in mind? If not, maybe you should!
Tips on Updating Beneficiaries to Your Federal Benefits
Federal Retirement: 10 Biggest Mistakes Federal Employees Make
Upcoming COLA for Retirees to Be Largest in Four Decades
What Employees Retiring in December and Receiving Social Security Early Next Year Need to Know
Life after government: Should you stick with the TSP?
Federal Retirement: When Age Isn’t Just a Number
New Year Financial Resolutions and Your TSP
The 3 Most Important Retirement Counseling Tip
Democrats, Employee Groups Rally Around Social Security Reform Bill
Deadline Approaches for Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
OPM Retirement Application Backlog
New IRS Life Expectancy Tables Will Impact Many Federal Employees and Retirees on Jan. 1, 2022
When You Can Expect That First Retirement Check
TSP Tips for Those About to Retire
Some End-of-Year 2021 and Pre-2022 TSP Moves to Consider
Don’t Get Surprised by Taxes in Retirement
Holidays an Opportunity to Discuss Your Estate Plan
TSP: Plan Ahead for Year-End Withdrawals
Nearly all TSP funds take a dip in November after a promising October
Thrift Savings Plan’s Year-End Processing Schedule
Health Care FSA Contribution Limits Change for 2022
TSP Investment Limits Set to Rise in 2022
TSP: Don’t Let the IRS Determine Your Withdrawal Strategy
Proposed Legislation Would Expand Social Security, Repeal GPO and WEP
Federal Employees and Retirees Should Review Dental Insurance Choices
2022 Medicare Premiums and Open Enrollment
Legislation Would Reform Social Security’s Windfall Elimination Provision
Key Age Mileposts and the TSP
SECURE Act and Back Door Roth Conversions
C, S and I funds: How long can the boom last?
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Maximum Contribution Limits for 2022
Medicare & Retirement: What Federal Employees Need to Know – Part V
TSP Funds Bounce Back After Rough September
Latest TSP Fund Performance – Thrift Savings Plan returns
Coming in 2022: A Mobile App for Federal Employees’ Retirement Transactions
Increasing TSP Contributions so You’re Not “Livin‘ on a Prayer”
TSP Beneficiary Form Comes Before Will, Trust
New features coming to the TSP – here’s what you need to know
TSP roadmap: When (if ever) should you play it ‘safe?’
Social Security, the TSP and your expiration date?
Medicare & Retirement: What Federal Employees Need to Know – Part IV
Are you a lifer? Learning to blend FERS and your TSP!
OPM Announces Significant Changes to Some FEHB Plans in 2022
Medicare & Retirement: What Federal Employees Need to Know – Part III
Working Longer vs. Having Less in Retirement
TSP Rollovers and RMDs When You’re 72 or Over
Why that 5.9% COLA is bad news
Medicare & Federal Retirement: What Employees Need to Know – Part II
January Retirement COLA Set: 5.9 Percent for CSRS, 4.9 for FERS
Federal Retirement: Medicare Advantage & Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage
OPM Retirement Application Backlog Reaches New High
Medicare & Federal Retirement: What Employees Need to Know – Part I
Retirement webinar Session to highlight Thrift Savings Plan
Wait for Full Social Security Retirement Age for a Bigger Payment
How Do You Know How Much You Will Receive From Social Security?
Understanding the Rules for FERS Disability Retirement – Part III
How the Thrift Savings Plan Is Taxed
2022 COLA – FERS / CSRS, Social Security | Federal Retirees COLA
Understanding the Rules for FERS Disability Retirement – Part II
Most TSP funds rose in August but overall decline from a year ago
4 Myths About Taxes in Retirement
Rollovers: Moving Your Money Out of the TSP
10 IRA and TSP Rollover Errors You Should Avoid
TSP Adopts Slight Budget Decrease for Fiscal 2022
TSP and Retirement Considerations for Single Earner Households
TSP Required Minimum Distribution Rules for Beneficiary Participants
TSP: Common Misconceptions
Forms and Resources on to Know About
Why Does it Take So Long to Get Your Benefits?
Most Common Federal Retirement Application Errors
Worried about saving enough for retirement? You’re not alone!
Janitor to millionaire: Invest for the long haul!
Bumper crop of TSP millionaires ahead?
How to Estimate a FERS Special Retirement Supplement
Federal Benefits and Retirement Dates
Rollover Into the TSP from an IRA
Are you investing your TSP nest egg, or just parking it?
2022 COLA – FERS / CSRS, Social Security | Federal Retirees COLA
Federal Retirement Planning: 10 Biggest Mistakes [and How to Avoid Them]
October COLA reveal will jolt many retirees
TSP Funds Show Modest Gains in July
Big 2022 COLA: Good news or bad news?
TSP Likely to Offer Mutual Fund Window Including Climate Friendly Options in 2022
Go Ahead, Retire Early. But I’ll Cost You
2022 COLA Estimate: 6.1% Prediction for Social Security, FERS, CSRS
Roth Accounts Can be Useful for All Federal Employees — Retirees Could Pay Less in Medicare Part B Premiums
Discover the True Cost and Value of CSRS/FERS Survivor Benefits
2022 COLA – FERS / CSRS, Social Security
Legislation Would Change Social Security’s COLA Calculation
Feds’ retirement processing times went up in June
Leaving as Soon as You Can
The Importance of Naming a Successor Beneficiary to TSP and IRA Accounts
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Maximum Contribution Limits for 2021
Roth TSP & Roth IRAs: Understanding the 5-Year Rules
Annuity, Social Security, TSP: How Your Retirement Income is Taxed
I fund takes a dive, Lifecycle funds slowly drop in June
Support federal workforce wellbeing: Improve the FEHB shopping experience
Taxes target your estate: And yes, you have one!
Most Funds in TSP Post Continued Growth in June
FERS and Social Security Take Some Stress Out of Planning to Spend Your TSP, IRAs
IRA Rothification Offers Path to Tax-Free Withdrawals
Backdoor Roth IRA Conversions: Revisiting the Pro-Rata Rule
IRA Income Limits
Vigilance Pays as Retirement Savings Rules Evolve
The Trickiest Retirement Decision You’ll Have to Make
Every Federal Employee Needs An Estate Plan
See If You Can Pass the Retirement Readiness Test
How Much Money Does A Federal Employee Need In Retirement?
Most TSP Funds Continue Upward Trend in May
What to watch as Congress revives familiar TSP investment policy debates
What Unused Sick Leave Will and Won’t Do for You at Retirement
Post-employment Restrictions
IRS Should Clarify if RMDs are Required for “Other Beneficiaries” of Inherited IRAs
Bang for Your Buck: Get Smart About Finances
Two New Retirement Savings Bills Could Impact TSP
TSP Officials Air Concerns About Congressional Proposals
TSP Calculators | TSP Loan Calculator
How Traditional IRAs Can Bolster Traditional TSP Accounts
What Is Your Service Computation Date?
5 Things To Know About Supplemental Retirement Benefits
The Finer Points of Powers of Attorney
Changing Your Mind on Key Retirement Decisions
Checking Your Eligibility for FEGLI Coverage in Retirement
Don’t Overlook How Taxes Erode Retirement Income, Report Says
How Unpaid Leave Impacts Your Benefits
Inheritance and TSP Beneficiaries
How the TSP Has Changed Over the Years
Why 62 Is the Magic Age for FERS Employees to Retire
TSP Funds Continue Strong Performance in April
10 Thrift Savings Plan Mistakes Federal Employees Should Avoid
Undoing a Roth Contribution; Recharacterization
TSP Account Balances Coming of Age
Do You Really Need to Save 10X Salary for Retirement? Not if You Have a Pension
Yes It’s OK to Spend Your TSP in Retirement
IRS Issues Reminder on Retirement Savings Withdrawal Policies
6 Differences Between TSP and IRAs Federal Employees and Retirees Should Know
Additional Benefits on Death of a Current Employee
Benefits if You Leave Government before Retirement Eligibility
States That Won’t Tax Your Federal Retirement Income
Safeguard Your TSP in Retirement by Planning Ahead on Healthcare
OPM’s Retirement Application Backlog Reaches Record High
Growing Momentum to Fix Some Feds’ Retirement, and More
Proposed TSP Changes: For Better or Worse?
TSP Returns Mostly Positive in March
Yes, It’s OK to Spend Your TSP in Retirement
Does a Roth IRA, or Roth Conversion Make Sense for You?
4 Myths About Taxes in Retirement
What’s Not To Like About the TSP
Your TSP’s stock and bond funds: Which is safest?
What’s To Like About the TSP
A 38-year retirement: Can you handle it?
FEHB Retirement: Keeping Health Benefits & Life Insurance in Retirement
3 Crucial Federal Retirement Choices
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Returns [UPDATED: March 2021]
Cash flexibility in retirement: Pros and cons of the TSP
Lessons Learned Growing a TSP Balance Beyond $1M
How Will You Use Your TSP When You Retire?
TSP investors overlooking a winner?
Lawmaker Reintroduces Equal COLA Act for Federal Retirees
Rough spots on the 2021 road to retirement
TSP account: Zero to $1.3 million in 23 years!
TSP 2020 Form 1099-R Statements Should Be Examined Carefully
Update on 2020 Annual Statements, 1099-R Forms for TSP and CSRS / FERS
Blue Cross Blue Shield – Medicare Reimbursement Account Claims
The Earliest You Can Retire under FERS
Checklist for Federal Employees Retiring in Late December or Early January
Lifestyle Considerations: Don’t Retire in Anger; Plan with Your Spouse
Protecting your TSP investment after retirement
Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Retirement Benefits
Avoiding retirement’s seven deadly sins
Considerations for Roth IRA Conversion / Traditional TSP Transfer in December 2020
TSP Finalizes Loosening of Installment Payment Withdrawal Policies
Big gains for Thrift Savings Plan in November
Postal Retirement Q&A 2020 Winter Holiday Column
Should Federal Retirees Take Medicare Part B?
Retirement Gets Real: The Final To-Do List
Beyond the Money: Finding the Right Retirement Mindset
Bipartisan House Bill Would Increase Required Minimum Distribution Age to 75
Retirement info
Changes to TSP Catch-up Contributions in 2021
TSP’s G fund has steadily declined for 30 years, belying reputation for stability
2021 Thrift Savings Plan Contribution Limits Announced by IRS
Avoid These Federal Retirement Mistakes
End-of-Year Retirement, Primary Considerations
Medicare & Federal Employees – Part III: Coordinating FEHB and Medicare Benefits
Best Dates to Retire for FERS and CSRS: 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023
Medicare & Federal Employees – Part II: Enrolling in Medicare and Medigap Insurance
Best Day to Retire for Feds in 2021?
Your TSP Can be Garnished for Child Support
Pop Quiz: Test Your Federal Retirement Knowledge II
Retirement Savings Limits and Contribution Phase Outs
Secrets of TSP millionaires
Social Security Figures Increase with COLA Adjustment
January Retirement COLA Set: 1.3 Percent
2021 COLA mixed bag for retirees
How to Know if You’re Contributing Enough to the TSP
FEGLI Basic vs. Optional Coverage
Moving in Retirement? Don’t Forget to Pack Your Benefits
Retire in Haste, Repent at Leisure
Understanding Your Future Long-Term Care Needs — Part I
Understanding Your Future Long-Term Care Needs — Part II
Understanding Your Future Long-Term Care Needs — Part III
What Changes with FEHB When you Retire?
Understanding the Differences between FEHB and FLTCIP
Understanding the New Changes to TSP Withdrawal Options – Part I
Understanding the New Changes to TSP Withdrawal Options – Part 2
Understanding the New Changes to TSP Withdrawal Options – Part 3
Understanding the TSP Life Annuity Withdrawal Option – Part I
Understanding the TSP Life Annuity Withdrawal Option – Part II
Putting Important Information in Order
CSRS & FERS: Is Buying Back Military Time Worth it?
TSP Survey Shows Demand for More Investment, Withdrawal Choices
Survey Examines Why Some Employees Forgo Agency Contributions
TSP Survey Shows Demand for More Investment, Withdrawal Choices
When retirement is more valuable than disability compensation
Lite Blue – Human Resources – Retirement
Federal Retirement Planning Mistakes
FEGLI Calculator
Federal Retirement Checklist
5 Not So Fun Facts about Federal Retirement
Why the Roth TSP Could Be Beneficial to Many Federal Employees Due to SECURE Act
Retirement and health benefits
Burning Benefits Questions
Splitting Up and Splitting Benefits
Federal Retirement Planning Checklists
Cracking The Retirement Code
Retirement Myth Busting Part 1
Retirement Myth Busting Part 2
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Security Benefits from Government Pension Offset (GPO)

Retirement Q & A

Federal Times RETIREMENT by Reg Jones

Q. I’m a FERS retiree who is receiving the special retirement supplement. I’ll turn 62 in November. When will my SRS end?

A. Your special retirement supplement will end on the earlier of 1.) the last day of the month in which you turn age 62 or 2.) the last day of the month before the first month on which you would be eligible for a Social Security benefit, whether you apply for it or not.

Q. I am 40 years old and have seven years of federal service under FERS. Is it worth my time to keep on working three more years so I’ll qualify for the MRA+10 benefit?

A. Even if you had 10 years of service, you couldn’t retire under the MRA+10 provision because you wouldn’t have reached your minimum retirement age, which is 57. However, because you have at least five years of creditable service, you could leave government at any time. If you didn’t ask for a refund of your retirement contributions, you could apply for a deferred annuity. If you did that before age 62, your annuity would be reduced by 5 percent for every year (5/12ths of 1 percent per month) that you were under age 62.

Q. In November I will have five years of service and I bought back my Army time of three years, which gives me eight years of service. If I pass away, will my spouse be eligible for a monthly annuity check? I’m 58 and would have 10 years at 60, which should be my minimum retirement age.

A. When you have five years of actual FERS service, you’ll be vested in the retirement system. If you die after you are vested, your widow would be entitled to a survivor annuity. If you were to die before that, she wouldn’t. Then she’d only be entitled to receive a refund of your retirement contributions. Note: Active duty service for which you’ve made a deposit doesn’t count toward the five years needed to be vested in the retirement system; however, once you are vested, it would be used in the annuity computation.

Q. I’m a FERS employee who was hired in 2011. If I decide to retire with 10 years of service when I’m 58 and delay the receipt of my annuity until I reach age 62, how will that affect my enrollment in the health benefits program?

A. If you were enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits program for the five consecutive years before you retired, your coverage would end after 31 days. While you’d be able to keep that coverage under the temporary continuation of coverage provision for up to 18 months, you’d be responsible for paying the entire premium, plus 2 percent for administrative costs. When that ended, you’d have no coverage until your annuity begins, at which point you’d be able to re-enroll in the FEHB program.

Q. I’m a FERS retiree. If I die and don’t have anyone who would be entitled to a survivor annuity, what happens to the money that I had deducted from my pay while I was working?

A. Any money that had not already been returned to you in annuity payments would be paid out according to the standard order of precedence found in law:
First, to the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated;
If none, to the widow or widower;
If none, to a child or children, with the share of any deceased child distributed among the descendants of that child;
If none, to the parents in equal shares or the entire amount to the surviving parent;
If none, to the executor or administrator if the estate;
If none, to the next of kin as determined under the laws of the state where the deceased lived.
However, it’s important to point out that under current law, the money you receive in your annuity comes first from the contribution you made to the retirement fund. As a result, if you live longer that 18 to 24 months after you retire, there won’t be anything left to go to anyone listed above.

Q. I’ve made a deposit to get credit for my two years of active duty service. I also spent a good deal of time in the reserves on weekend and annual active duty for training. Will I receive any credit for that time? If so, would the credit go toward leave or retirement?

A. No civilian credit of any kind is given for time spent in the reserves.

Q. I have worked for the U.S. Postal Service for 43 years. I retired in 2011 with a CSRS pension. Prior to USPS, and afterwards, I worked under Social Security. I believe I have the required 40 quarters. Will the Windfall Elimination Program affect my getting Social Security and how will it affect my pension?

A. While the Windfall Elimination Provision will have no affect on your CSRS annuity, your Social Security benefit will be affected by it. The WEP reduces the Social Security benefit of anyone who is receiving an annuity from a retirement system – like CSRS – where they didn’t pay Social Security taxes and has fewer than thirty years of substantial earnings under Social Security. To see how the WEP will affect you, go to

Q. I’m a FERS employee. Can I retire at age 53 with 25 years of service?

A. No you can’t, unless your agency offers you that opportunity because it is undergoing substantial restructuring, reshaping, downsizing, a transfer of function, or reorganization. If they aren’t, you can always resign and apply for an unreduced annuity when you reach age 60. Or you could retire under the MRA+10 provision when you reach your minimum retirement age, which would be 56 and 4 months. However, in that case your annuity would be reduced by 5 percent per year (5/12ths of 1 percent per month) that you are under age 60.

Q. I will be 68 next year when I retire as a CSRS annuitant. I’m having Medicare deductions taken from my paycheck. Will I continue to have them taken from my annuity check?

A. No, you won’t. Premiums for Medicare Part A are only deducted from earnings from wages or self-employment. They aren’t deducted from annuities.

Q. I am a FERS employee who is on disability from the U.S. Postal Service, plus I am getting Social Security Disability Insurance. What will happen when I reach 62 and start getting my pension from USPS?

A. When you reach age 62, your FERS disability benefit will be recomputed as if you had worked to age 62. Therefore, your actual service will be added to the time you spent on disability. The total time will be multiplied by 1 percent (1.1 percent if you have at least 20 years of actual service and time spent on disability). That figure will then be multiplied by your high-3 salary on the day you were found disabled. That dollar figure will be increased by any cost-of-living increases paid to FERS retirees since you retired on disability. Receiving that annuity will have no effect your SSDI payments, which will continue uninterrupted.

Q. I am 43 years and have 20 years of federal service. I’m planning to leave for a job in the private sector but won’t ask for a refund of my retirement contributions. When will I be eligible to retire and receive an annuity?

A. You can apply for a deferred annuity when you reach your minimum retirement age, which is 60. Just be aware that as a deferred retiree, you won’t be eligible to receive the special retirement supplement or re-enroll in the Federal Employees Health Benefits or Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance programs.

Q. I’m a FERS employee who is getting ready to retire. I plan to elect a full survivor benefit annuity for my wife. Will it be increased by COLAs or change with age?

A. If you elect a full survivor benefit, your basic annuity will be permanently reduced by 10 percent. If you die, your widow will receive a survivor annuity that equals 50 percent of your unreduced annuity; in other words, the annuity you would have received before you made the survivor election. That survivor annuity will be increased by any cost-of-living adjustments that were made to retiree annuities following your retirement. Any future COLA increases following your death will also be applied to her survivor annuity.

Q. If I get married after I retire and elect a survivor annuity for my husband, I understand that I would need to pay the difference of what I would have paid had we been married at retirement plus 6 percent interest. For example, if I retired in January and married in June, if I understand this correctly, I need to wait 9 months for it to be effective so 9 plus 5 (months I would be married) would equal 14 months. If, for example, the difference in the annuity would be $50, I would owe $50×14 = $700 plus 6 percent interest, which would equal $42 for a total of $742. Would this $742 be paid back over the life of the annuity?

A. If you marry after retiring, there will be two reductions in your annuity. The first will be the standard reduction in your annuity, which will vary depending on whether you elect a full or partial survivor benefit. That reduction will be eliminated if your marriage ends.
The second will be a permanent actuarial reduction to pay the survivor benefit deposit. The deposit equals the difference between the new annuity rate and the annuity paid to you each month since retirement, plus 6 percent interest. That reduction won’t be eliminated if your marriage ends.

Q. I retired in 2011 from the United States Postal Service. I kept BCBS insurance. I only signed up for Medicare Part A. If I choose to sign up for Part B now and drop BCBS, will I have to pay a penalty?

A. Yes, you would have to pay a penalty. And it might be a whopper. Because you didn’t sign up when you were first eligible to do so, the premium you’d have to pay would be 10 percent higher for each year you were eligible to enroll in Part B and didn’t.

Q. I’m a FERS disability annuitant. Assuming that I continue to be disabled, what happens when I reach age 62?

A. When you reach age 62, your FERS disability benefit will be recomputed as if you had worked to age 62. Your actual service will be added to the time you spent on disability and the total time will be multiplied by 1.1 percent That figure will then be multiplied by your high-3 salary on the day you were found disabled. That dollar figure will be increased by any cost-of-living increases paid to FERS retirees since you retired on disability.

Q. I was born in 1967. I’m covered by FERS and want to retire at the age of 55 when I’ll have 34 years of federal service. Will I take a huge hit in my annuity?

A. Because you were born in 1967, your minimum retirement age is 56 years and 6 months. Although you wouldn’t be eligible to retire, you could resign and apply for a deferred annuity when you reach your MRA. However, if you did that, you wouldn’t be eligible to receive the special retirement supplement, nor would you be able to re-enroll in either the FEHB or FEGLI programs.

Q. I’m planning to retire from the U.S. Postal Service in October. I have no spouse who would be eligible for a survivor annuity. However, I do have a daughter. I would like for her to get my retirement pay. I worked hard for it and I don’t want it going back to the post office as unclaimed income.

A. While you cannot name your daughter to receive a survivor annuity, you could elect to provide her with what is known as an insurable interest annuity, but only if you are in good health when you retire. If you make that election, your annuity would be reduced by a percentage that would depend on the difference in your age and her age. Alternatively, you could name her as your beneficiary. Then, if you died before all the money you contributed to the retirement fund had been returned to you in monthly annuity payments, she would receive the balance in a lump sum. Just be aware that, on average, you’ll receive all the contributions you made within 18 months.

Q. I’ve reached my minimum retirement age and have 29 years under FERS. I have more than 2,400 hours of sick leave. Will the sick leave time be added to my actual service and make me eligible to retire?

A. No, it won’t. Sick leave is only added after you have reached the right combination of years and service to retire on an immediate annuity.

Q. I’m a FERS employee and plan to retire at minimum retirement age, which is 56. However, I’ll have fewer than 30 years of service. Is the 5 percent per year penalty based on each year short of 30 years, or is it based on each year short of age 62?

A. The MRA+10 provision allows FERS employees to retire at their minimum retirement age with fewer than 30 years of service. If you retire under that provision, your annuity will be reduced by 5 percent for every year (or 5/12 of 1 percent per month) that you are under age 62.

Q. My husband wasn’t married at the time of retirement in 1993. When we got married, he didn’t provide a survivor benefit for me. Now we’ve been married for 18 years. If he dies will I be able to get a monthly benefit check? If not, can he do something about that now?

A. Unfortunately, it’s too late. To provide you with a survivor annuity, he would have had to agree to a reduction in his annuity to pay for that benefit within two years of the date of your marriage.

Q. I resigned from the U.S. Postal Service 2.5 years ago. At the time I had over 2,500 hours of unused sick leave. My problem with the Post Office was that from day one we were told to bank your sick leave, which I did. I think it is very unfair not to benefit from saving all of those hours, which would have given me an extra boost to my retirement when I apply for it.

A. Employees who retire on an immediate annuity will have any hours of unused sick leave included when calculating their annuity. Employees who resign and later apply for a deferred annuity won’t. If you were to go back to work for the government, those sick leave hours would be restored and, when you were eligible to retire, be used in the computation of your annuity. 

Q. When I retired, I was single. Now I’m getting married. Can I add my new spouse to my FEHB plan? If so, when can I do it?

A. You can change your FEHB enrollment from Self Only to Self Plus One beginning 31 days before you get married through 60 days after the event.

Q. I’ll soon be retiring. Will I be paid for any holidays that occur during my accrued annual leave?

A. Yes. When you retire, your unused annual leave will be projected forward as if you were still on the job working eight hours a day, 40 hours a week and 80 hours a pay period.

Q. I am a FERS retiree who elected a 25 percent survivor annuity for my husband. If he dies first, will I get a refund of the amount my benefit was reduced?

A. No, you won’t. However, your own annuity would be increased to what it would have been if you hadn’t elected a survivor annuity.

Q. I’m a FERS employee who is eligible to retire at age 56 with 32 years of service. However, I’m planning to work until age 62. What happens to the special retirement supplement? Do I lose it completely?

A. The special retirement supplement is designed to bridge the gap between when you retire and age 62 when you are first eligible for a Social Security benefit. If you retire at 62 or later, you won’t be entitled to that benefit.

Q. I retired in 2011 with 35 years under CSRS. Am I automatically enrolled in Medicare? Which parts should I enroll in? Does my Blue Cross Blue Shield FEHB coverage continue on?

A. Since you aren’t already receiving benefit from Social Security, three months before you turn age 65 you’ll need to go to and sign up. You’ll automatically be entitled to Medicare Part A at no cost because you paid for that benefit through payroll deductions. If you decide to enroll in Part B, you’ll have to pay the premiums for that benefit. Regardless, your FEHB coverage will continue.

Q. I withdrew my federal TSP in March 2019 and they took the appropriate amount of federal tax. I just received a 1099-R for that withdrawal to file with my taxes for 2019. I know that it is not considered earned income, so will I get taxed again? If not, why am I required to file it with my 2019 return?

A. When you took your withdrawal, the amounts that were withheld were deposits against your tax liability for 2019. When you file your return, you will report the gross amount of your withdrawal as Ordinary Income and it will be used as the basis for calculating your actual tax liability for the year. Your tax liability will then be compared to your withholding and estimated tax payments for the year and the difference will be either due, or refunded to you.