On the National NAPS HQ Level
If you need a reason for joining NAPS, here are three: representation, information, and opportunity. Over 26,000 NAPS members have representation where it counts – at Postal Service Headquarters and on Capitol Hill. Whether the issue is pay, benefits, or working conditions, you have a qualified group of professional advocates working on your behalf, especially in times of real need. For approved cases, NAPS’ Disciplinary Defense Fund provides a trained advocate for members facing removal, reduction in grade, and postal financial indebtedness (Debt Collection Act).
From the EAS employee’s perspective, members also receive information on legislation, postal policy, and ways of achieving your career goals. Area training seminars are held on a variety of topics. Our annual legislative training seminar in Washington teaches grass roots legislative techniques and provides information on bills of interest to members.
Perhaps most important of all, NAPS members have the opportunity of becoming better informed and more efficient, while making the USPS a better place to work. NAPS exist to raise the standard of efficiency, to widen the field of opportunity and to improve the quality of the work environment for those members who make the Postal Service their career.
On the Branch Level
Representation – at the local and national levels
DDF = Disciplinary Defense Fund – Even after retirement
MSPB Representation – After you have been a Supervisor for one year
Emails from the Branch – Only to your personal email account
Postal Supervisor Magazine – monthly national publication
Website – https://napsbranch100.org
Availability – Contact us at 917-621-9659 or at our website and receive a response within 24 hours
Dinner Dance – Day of enjoyment, networking and scholarship presentations
Scholarships – Both at the local and the national level
Legislative Representation – Similar to Lobbying
Dues are only $16.00
Sign up a new member with the form below and receive a $25 gift card