Postal Service Health Benefits

Ready to Take a Leap of Faith on Your Health Insurance?
Further Rules Proposed for Postal Service Health Benefits Program
Rules on Postal-Only Health Program Finalized—Sorry, No Exceptions, OPM Says
Carriers Chosen for New Postal-Only Health Plan
OPM Sets Standards for FEHB, New Postal-Only Health Program in 2025
The Postal Service Health Benefits program, prescription coverage and Open Season 2025
Postal-Only Health Plan on Track but Much Remains to Do, Says Report
Reminder: 2024 to Be Last Year Before Postal Population is Split Off from FEHB
Postal Service Health Benefits Mailer – coming to your mailbox
Postal FEHB enrollees feel ‘angst’ as OPM builds USPS-only health insurance marketplace
Big Medicare Changes Coming For Postal Service Retirees
Postal Union Expects a ‘Smooth Transition,’ But Notes Possible Bumps In the Road for the New Health Benefit Program
Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program will begin Jan. 1. 2025
USPS Issues Fact Sheets Regarding New Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program
USPS Releases Fact Sheets About Upcoming Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program
Postal Reform Act – Health Coverage Chaos
OPM outlines plan to migrate 1.7M FEHB enrollees into postal-only insurance marketplace
OPM Previews New Postal-Only Health Plan
Certain Postal Only Plans Must Be Available for 2025, After That Could Drop Out
OPM: Upcoming Postal Health Program’s Effect on Premiums ‘Highly Uncertain’
OPM Publishes Rule Establishing the Postal Service Health Benefits Program
OPM Releases Interim Final Rule for the New Postal Service Health Benefits Program
OPM Starts the Process of Booting USPS Employees to a New Health Care Program
OPM expects busy Open Season standing up USPS health insurance marketplace in 2024
OPM Expects Lots of Questions about Upcoming Postal-Only Health Plan